Independent 3-D Film at the Downtown Independent
Charlie Victor Romeo (CVR) is a 3-D performance documentary that premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival. Based on the 1999 stage play of the same name, Charlie Victor Romeo is derived entirely from the transcripts of actual Black Box recordings of six major real-life airline emergencies. Charlie Victor Romeo, or CVR, is aviation lingo for cockpit voice recorder.
From the Charlie Victor Romeo website:
“Allowing the audience into the tension-filled cockpits of actual flights in distress, CHARLIE VICTOR ROMEO is a fascinating portrait of the psychology of crisis and a testimony to the ability to live to the last second of life. What is going on up there behind the door in the front of the airplane? Who are these people we trust our lives to, and what do they really do when things go horribly wrong?
Through the use of state-of-the-art 3-D Stereoscopic camera technology and the highest quality audio recording and engineering we will bring this groundbreaking and powerful international phenomenon to the big screen allowing moviegoers the same thrilling, devastating and uplifting experience live theater audiences have experienced for years in a way that has never been done before.”
Charlie Victor Romeo is currently playing a one-week run at the Downtown Independent theater.
Click HERE for advance online ticket purchases and information on additional showtimes. Tickets will also be available at the door.
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