Due to the worldwide public health emergency, upcoming physical meetings of the LA 3-D Club have been suspended. However, we are holding virtual meetings and we’re still holding our scheduled competitions.
The February virtual meeting of the LA 3-D Club will take place on Thursday, February 18 from 7:00pm – 8:30pm.
The meeting will include a club member “Show-and-Tell.” We would love to see your favorite 3-D image, or stereoscopic item. Member’s are encouraged to share an item of interest with the rest of the attendees.
LA 3-D Club archivists David Starkman and Susan Pinsky will show some of the recent additions to the new online archives.
And we will have some very special guest speakers:
Artist Chris Sickels will join us to talk about his newly released project, DISPLACEMENT, a story told through a sequence of 17 stereographs.. The characters are a restless Traveler, a resolute Woodsman and a resilient Owl. The imaginative force behind Red Nose Studio, Chris creates 3-D illustrations and animations through hand-sculpted puppets that populate his miniature settings. An author, illustrator, and animator, his award-winning work has appeared in editorial, advertising, character development and animation projects. His stop-motion animated short films have screened at the Los Angeles International Short Film Festival and the Montreal Stop-Motion Film Festival. DISPLACEMENT is his first project to be photographed in stereoscopic 3-D. rednosestudio.com
And we will be joined by Shawn Frayne, CEO and Co-founder of Looking Glass Factory. Founded in 2014, Looking Glass Factory Inc is headquartered in Greenpoint, Brooklyn with additional operations in Hong Kong. In 2018 the company launched the world’s first desktop holographic display dev kit; in 2019, started shipping the world’s first 8K light field display; and in 2020, launched Looking Glass Portrait, a personal holographic display. Shawn will update us on the latest developments around the Looking Glass Portrait.
Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.