Due to the worldwide public health emergency, upcoming physical meetings of the LA 3-D Club have been suspended. However, we are holding virtual meetings and we’re still holding our scheduled competitions.
The January virtual meeting of the LA 3-D Club will take place on Thursday, January 21 from 7:00pm – 8:30pm on Zoom at la3d.club.
The evening will feature the third competition of the 2020-2021 LA 3-D Club year. The special theme for this month is MACHINERY. Club members may enter their images into the competition by using the UPLOADER which will be available online until 11:59pm on January 15. We will show competition submissions during the meeting and announce results of the competition judging which will take place earlier.
The competition will be judged by people individually at their own homes, rather than in a group setting. The judges will be able to view the images on a large screen 3D TV, but we can’t completely control the conditions under which judging will occur. However, entrants can safely assume that judges will be viewing images on a large (>42 inch) 16:9 aspect ratio screen, with a minimum resolution of 1920×1080. So, prepare your images accordingly, and submit them through the uploader as usual. And, the theme awards will be chosen as usual, too.
We have invited Bob Furmanek, founder of the 3-D Film Archive, to join us for a Q&A about his most recent film restoration projects, and the 3-D movies that are soon coming to blu-ray, including a Golden Age gem from Budd Boetticher, two Super 3-D Kung-Fu epics, an Abbott and Costello 2-D classic in SuperCinecolor AND one or two vintage three-dimensional surprises.
We will also take a look at the work of another “3-D Legend” from the 3-DLegends.com website, and the meeting will include a club member “Show-and-Tell.” We would love to see your favorite 3-D image, camera, or collectible. Member’s are encouraged to share an item of interest with the rest of the attendees.
Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.