The next regular meeting of the Los Angeles 3-D Club (SCSC) will be Thursday, October 18th, 2012
7:30-10pm at the Armory Center For the Arts 145 N. Raymond, Pasadena, CA 91103.
The LA 3-D Club has a long tradition of holding it’s annual equipment auction at the October meeting. This year the program will be expanded to include a members’ “Show and Tell”. Members are invited to bring examples of their current 3-D work, equipment, collections, and anything else that might be of interest to the 3-D community. Each participant will have up to five minutes to make a brief presentation to the group. This will be a great chance for both long-time members and first time attendees to learn more about 3-D from their peers.
A portion of the meeting time will still be set aside for both a live auction and a silent auction of 3-D cameras, projectors, viewers, and many other stereoscopic items. Everyone is encouraged to participate by bringing their unused and unwanted 3-D items to put up for auction. This is an excellent opportunity to make a little money for yourself and to help benefit the club. See the auction rules for details on how to join in.
Sign-up for the “Show and Tell”, and a preview of auction items, will take place at the Armory prior to the start of the meeting. Complete rules and auction forms are available here:
The meeting is free, and open to the public.