The next regular meeting of the Los Angeles 3-D Club (SCSC) will be Thursday, June 20, 2013
7:30-10pm at the Armory Center For the Arts 145 N. Raymond, Pasadena, CA 91103.
Show Off Your Stereoscopic Gadgets and Gizmos at the June Meeting
On Thursday, June 20th, fresh from last month’s Bay Area Maker Faire, we’ll take a look at 3-D video of some of the fascinating things that were on display there.
We’ll also get a demonstration of the “Poppy”, a device under development that turns any iPhone into a 3D camera.
And we invite anyone who has built a homebrew 3-D device to bring it to the meeting and participate in a “3-DIY Show-and-Tell.” From custom camera rigs and homemade stereoscopes, to hand-etched holograms and 3-D POV quadcopters, we look forward to seeing the many solutions that members of our 3-D community have devised for creating and viewing 3-D inages.