Our Competition Uploader isn’t back online yet, so this month you will submit your entries by
email. Please send them to davidkuntz@cox.net. Format your images as you usually do.
Please make your filenames look like these:
STD.1.David Kuntz.PATTERNS That Squiggly Thing.jpg
CGI.3.David Kuntz.That Squiggly Thing I Made with a Computer.jpg
MOD.1.David Kuntz.A Squiggly Thing I Converted with Leiapix.jpg
The filename consists of:
Image #
Your name, with a space between first and last name
The theme name in ALL CAPS if applicable
The title – don’t use _ between words
Note that a . separates each of these
If you’re submitting makeup entries, please just list which images are makeups and state the month they should apply to in your email. Use the same file naming method for everything.
Normally the Uploader creates a filename for each image entered that specifies the competition category (Standard, CGI, or Modified), the image sequence number, the competition group (A or B), the competition date, and more. Since we don’t have the uploader, I’d like to ask each entrant to follow the file naming convention to incorporate that information. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE try to follow this scheme precisely. That will save me a significant amount of time in processing your entries.