
SCSC Library

Welcome to the Library of Hints and Tips, featuring articles by SCSC experts on all phases of the fascinating world of 3D! We'll be adding new and informative features on a regular basis, so check back often.

One of the benefits of club membership is the use of our hard copy library. This includes many packages of 75 slides, numerous 3D books, some 3D video movies and other stereographic memorabilia of stereoscopy. For more information please contact the club librarian Lawrence Kaufman. Please see our gallery for some scans of slides in our library.

Some of these documents are in the Adobe Acrobat PDF format. You must have the Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to see, read or print them. To obtain a free copy of the latest version of Adobe's Acrobat Reader, go to the Adobe's Acrobat Reader Website.


Technical Articles
Getting Started in 3-D Photography
Digital Projector Report
Beginners Guide to Stereo Photo Maker
Beginners Guide to Stereo Photo Maker Fuji-W1
Beginners Slide Scanning
Beginners Digital Projection
Tips for Newcomers to Stereo Photography
David Saxon
by Tony Alderson
Club Member Biographies and Interviews
Historical Articles

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