Since we won’t be having a meeting this month, the LA3D Club will be having a get together for those who want it in Gather Town. There is a lot of interesting material to browse in the rooms set up for 3Dcon that the membership might be interested in. And you can have private chats and more with whoever shows up. So, we encourage everyone to do just that on:
Thursday, 8/19/21, at 7pm.
Gathertown is a customizable space for organizations, this space has been designed in excellent fashion by LA 3D Club member David Heiser for the National Stereoscopic Association’s 3D-Con 2021.
So, don’t Zoom. Gather. Here:
Sign in a little early to figure out how works. Enjoy. Also, Steve Berezin will try to put together a short get together on using Photoshop Neural filters for 3d conversions and colorization for the Gather. If you have time please see these videos Dave Heiser put together for how to gather in Gather-town for the 3D Con 2021 convention.
Also, while you are watching the videos please subscribe to the LA3D Club tutorial site and the NSA 2021 Stereo Theater site. The NSA 2021 Stereo Theater site needs 1000 subscribers to unlock Youtube partner features.
Also, hats off to the National Stereoscopic Association for creating and allowing us to use the space.
— Andrew Parke, S.O.C
Incoming President LA3D Club
Incoming President LA3D Club