National 3-D Day (the 3rd day of the 3rd complete week of the 3rd month) will be celebrated March 23rd of this year. The LA 3-D Club will be having a Zoom online workshop to commemorate this event on that day.
Watch the replay on our YouTube channel:
David Starkman presents “A Beginner’s Guide to StereoPhoto Maker”
StereoPhoto Maker is by far the easiest program for taking 3-D photos from cameras such as the Fujifilm W1 and W3, Lumix 3D 1 digital 3-D cameras, or from twin digital 3-D camera rigs, and aligning them and preparing them for comfortable viewing in a variety of possible formats.
This workshop is intended for beginners, to cover the basics on how to get started, and to cover the basic features that you will need to end up with an easy to view stereoscopic image.
David Starkman joined the Los Angeles 3-D Club in September 1977. He started 3-D with a View-Master Personal Stereo Camera, then a Wollensak Stereo 10, and then shot with a Busch Verascope F40 for 10 years. Around 1990 he began using a custom full 35mm SLR rig, followed by the RBT X2 and RBT S1 cameras. He switched to digital in 2004 and currently uses Fujifilm W3, Panasonic Lumix 3D1 and a twin SonyP200 rig. Starkman was President of the LA club from 1981 to 1982. Was also Technical Director for a couple decades. He has been “Newviews” Editor/Co-Editor for “Stereo World” magazine since 1981. Also a member of the National Stereoscopic Association, The Stereoscopic Society (UK) and the International Stereoscopic Union. In 1982 worked for 3D Video Corporation, and 1983 for StereoVision International. Made a full-time living in 3-D from 1984 to 2010 with Reel 3-D Enterprises. Currently retired, he has written Beginner’s 3-D guides which appear on this la3dclub.com web site, and on the StereoPhoto Maker download page http://stereo.jpn.org/eng/stphmkr/spmbeginnersguideillustrated.pdf
The Workshop will start at 6:00 PM Pacific Time. You do not have to be an LA 3-D Club member to attend the workshop. The workshop will be approximately 45 minutes long so please be prompt. To join the workshop please go to la3d.club. The password to the Zoom meeting is “la3d”