While we hope to be able to meet in person again very soon, we are currently holding virtual meetings.
The October virtual meeting of the LA 3-D Club will take place on Thursday, October 21st from 7:00pm – 8:30pm on Zoom at la3d.club.
Over the next few LA 3-D Club meetings we will be showcasing the winning 3D Theater shows from this year’s National Stereoscopic Association’s Virtual 3D-Con, which was held in August. This month we will show the award winner for Best Video-based Presentatation: Martha-Phiddipus Regius by Christian Zschammer, who will be joining us from Germany to talk about how he created this experimental piece. Christian A. Zschammer is into S3D thanks to a Viewmaster viewer and some reels he was given at the age of 10. Also anaglyph comic books did their part to get him hooked instantaneously to that kind of depth display. Currently he enjoys creating both abstract and documentary 3D-videos, his alter ego “Mysterious Dr. Stereo” is hosting the real 3D videoblog “Mondo Stereo 3D” on YouTube which is full of both information and hilarity, so people say. Since 2016 his 3D videos have been shown at festivals in Los Angeles and San Francisco, USA, Angoulême, France, Moscow, Russia and Busan, Korea.
We will also be joined by Brad Goulet, who has designed a number of 3D printed accessories and replacement parts for View-Master collectors. Brad will show us his creations, including a reel scanner for cell phone cameras, replacement lens cups for vintage viewers, blank personal reel mounting assistants, sorting cases, compact viewers, and more!
“Hello my name is Brad Goulet, 39 years of age, married 13 years and father of 2.

In addition, we will check out another featured stereo photographer from the 3-D Legends Hall of Fame at 3-dlegends.com
The meeting will conclude with a with a club member “Halloween Show-and-Tell.” We would love to see your favorite spooky 3-D image, or haunted stereoscopic item. Members are encouraged to share an item of interest with the rest of the attendees.
Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Members can sign in early at 6:30pm to socialize. All are welcome to attend.
To join the meeting, go to http://LA3D.club (this simple link will always direct to the current club Zoom meeting)
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