The next regular meeting of the Los Angeles 3-D Club (SCSC) will be Thursday, June 19, 2014
7:30-10:00pm at 3DSTEREOLAB at the Brewery Arts Complex, 604 Moulton Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90031
Click HERE for a map and directions. The Brewery Arts Complex is located just off of North Main Street near Downtown Los Angeles. Take the Main Street exit off of the 5 Freeway. You can park on Moulton Ave. for free. There will be signs and club members directing you to the location.
Show Off Your Stereoscopic Gadgets and Gizmos at the June Meeting
On Thursday, June 19th, fresh from last month’s Bay Area Maker Faire, we invite anyone who has built a homebrew 3-D device to bring it to the meeting and participate in a “3-DIY Show-and-Tell.” From custom camera rigs and homemade stereoscopes, to hand-etched holograms and 3-D POV quadcopters, we look forward to seeing the many solutions that members of our 3-D community have devised for creating and viewing 3-D inages.
Just saw an entry in an old Warman’s Flea Market guide for View Master and it mentioned the Stereoscopic Association. I now see you are having a meeting on June 19 in Pasadena. My husband and I both have View Master discs from our childhood. For many years we have not known what to do with them. Most are from the 40’s maybe older as our parents had them.
We have two viewers and maybe still have the projector. We live in Pomona and go to Pasadena often. Would anyone like to have these; there are quite a few of them. We could go to the meeting and deliver them.
Thank You, Bonnie
Let me know the next one.