The next regular meeting of the Los Angeles 3-D Club (SCSC) will be Thursday, May 19th, 2011
7:30-10pm at the Armory Center For the Arts 145 N. Raymond, Pasadena, CA 91103.
Fifth (and final) Club Competition of the member year plus International Stereo Club Competition (ISCC) judging. In
addition to the two competitions, we will also have a special short program featuring spectacular cave photography
by Peter and Ann Bosted of Hawaii.
The May LA 3D Club meeting is the last Competition to which you can submit new images, film or digital, including make-ups, for our Club Competition year. (The “Image of the Year Competition,” which has a deadline of the June meeting, enables you to submit 5 images that you select from all the images you have entered for the Club Competitions from September, 2010 through May, 2011 These images must NOT be new images (see the
upcoming June “3D News” for details). Remember that for the May Competition, any of the three images you enter
may be submitted for the “Green Theme” award, a separate award ribbon that will be granted to the best image illustrating the theme of “Green.” Your “Green Theme” score(s) will also count normally toward your point totals
for the Final Competition Standings, to be announced at the August Banquet along with the “Image of the Year” awards.
The meeting is free, and open to the public.