On Saturday, September 26 at 2:00pm, the LA 3-D Club will present a special screening of SHOCKWAVE, DARKSIDE in 3-D at the Downtown Independent theater.

Immediately following the screening, there will be a Q&A and discussion at the theater with the film’s writer/producer/director, Jay Weisman, and stereographer Andrew Parke.
I envisioned ‘Shockwave’ as kind of a call-back to the science fiction that I grew up with – sort of a modern-day interpretation of the character-centric morality tale like “The Twilight Zone” and even some of the ‘Lost Patrol’ war movies from the 50’s. It also occurred to me that this was a unique opportunity to update this kind of storytelling by weaving in visual narrative devices usually found in first-person video games. This also allowed us to take great advantage of the 3D space and give the movie a kind of a weird, lonely, tension that I hope is very unique and special.- Jay Weisman – Writer, Producer and Director
Shockwave Darkside was shot in native 3D in an industrial sandpit in Harwich, Massachusetts on Cape Cod. Breaking new ground in independent film, It features over 1000 visual effect shots crated by hundreds of artists and technicians from all over the world. Truly an international endeavor, the film became a virtual studio with artists and designers collaborating together from New York, Cape Cod and Los Angeles to Munich, Beijing and Buenos Aires.
$5 at the door for current LA3DClub members
$10 at the door for non-members (admission is waived with USC Student ID)
Saturday, Sept. 26th, 2015, 2:00pm
Downtown Independent Theater
251 S. Main St., Los Angeles, CA 90012
Note: Paid parking is available at many parking lots in the adjacent area and street parking is free on Sundays. The theater is also only several blocks from the MTA Red Line.