Sunday 8/29/10 screenings POSTPONED!!!

Due to circumstances beyond our control, (the EMMYS after party is shutting down all of the streets in the neighborhood), we are forced to cancel all of the 3-D events that were scheduled for the Downtown Independent Theater for tomorrow, Sunday, August 29th, 2010.

We intend to reschedule both the shorts screening and the Rottweiler screening for a future date, to be determined.

Thank you for your understanding.


  1. Jeremy McGee says:

    NOOOO!!!! Is there a way to be put on email alert for when this is back on? I MUST attend this screening!!! It’s due to a peculiar (perhaps even mildly pathological) obsession I have with 3D movies from that era using this specific technology- I need to see this on the silver screen!!!! Is it also possible, in addition to an email alert, to look at the projector lens which makes the magic happen? I don’t mean that I want to hold it or anything, just peaking inside the projection room once everything is set up would be more than enough.

    Hope everyone has a great week!
    Jeremy McGee

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