View-Master Meets 3D Printing
The next regular meeting of the Los Angeles 3-D Club will be Thursday, April 19th, 2018, 7:15-9:45pm at the Armory Center For the Arts 145 N. Raymond, Pasadena, CA 91103.
The April meeting will feature a special presentation from guest speaker Julius Howlett. Julius has been developing a worldwide system of archiving View-Master reels and sharing them at one singular point of access. Anyone with a smartphone and access to a 3D printer can create the View-Master reel ‘digitizer’ and use these two technologies to create digital copies of their aging reels. They can then submit their work to z3Dx.com for permanent public viewing access with either a Google Cardboard viewer or using the cross-eye method of stereoscopic enjoyment. He will also share a number of other stereoscope and lenticular film projects he has been working on as time permits.
Bring your favorite View-Master reels to the meeting, digitize them, and see them projected on the big screen! You can learn more about Julius’ project, and download the 3D printing plans at thingiverse.com/thing:1135621
We’ll also take a look at several View-Master related videos from the club archives.
The meeting is free and open to the public.