Due to the worldwide public health emergency, upcoming physical meetings of the LA 3-D Club have been suspended. However, we are holding virtual meetings and we’re still holding our scheduled competitions.
The April virtual meeting of the LA 3-D Club will take place on Thursday, April 15 from 7:00pm – 8:30pm Pacific time on Zoom at la3d.club.
The April meeting will feature a demonstration of stereo tintype photography with guest presenter Sam Dole of the Penumbra Foundation. Sam will be joining live from NYC to walk us through the wet plate collodion process, and will be making stereo tintype portraits during the Zoom meeting. If you missed his first demonstration on National 3-D Day, here is another chance to catch it.
Penumbra Foundation is a non profit photographic arts and education organization devoted to teaching original 19th century photographic processes. Penumbra brings together the Art and Science of Photography through education, research, outreach, public and residency programs. Its goal is to be a comprehensive resource for photographers at any level, artists, students, professionals, historians, researchers, conservators and curators. Penumbrafoundation.org
We will also take a look at the work of another “3-D Legend” from the 3-DLegends.com website, and the meeting will include a club member “Show-and-Tell” with a special focus on antique cameras, viewers, and photography. We would love to see your favorite 19th or early 20th century camera, stereoscope, or image. Member’s are encouraged to share an item of interest with the rest of the attendees.
Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Members can sign in early at 6:30pm to socialize. All are welcome to attend.
To join the meeting, go to http://LA3D.club (this simple link will always direct to the current club Zoom meeting)
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Passcode: 090263
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