Join us on Saturday, August 31st at 11:30am at the California Science Center to see and take 3-D photos of the space shuttle Endeavour! Advanced purchase of a timed ticket is required as they sell out early. Tickets are free (with a $2 service fee) and can be purchased online below this post (Choose Saturday, August 31st, 11:30am)
Also, the IMAX theater at the California Science Center is showing two space related films. Hubble 3D and Blue Planet (2D) both playing multiple times throughout the day. More information and showtimes here: californiasciencecenter.org/Imax/MovieTimes.php
For more information about ticket purchasing and the Endeavour exhibit, you can visit this page: californiasciencecenter.org/GenInfo/PlanningYourVisit/Hours/endeavour/endeavour.php