Stereoscopic (or 3-D) photography is not new. The stereoscope (the viewer) was invented in 1838, and the first 2-lensed stereo camera was built in 1858. Commercially made 3-D cameras were popular in the 1920’s and the 1950’s. During those periods hundreds of thousands of 3-D cameras were made, sold, and used. In the scheme of things, however, this always represented just a tiny fraction of the photography market.
Today, thanks to the advantages that digital photography offers, 3-D photography that is digitally based is rapidly expanding in popularity. Although there are no commercially made digital 3-D cameras, hackers and small entrepreneurs have been putting together twin-camera rigs for doing digital 3-D photography. There is also extremely powerful FREE software now available for aligning and presenting the 3-D image pairs. Here is some information to get you started. First, there is tons of information on the Internet. Google key words such as “Stereo Photography”, “3-D Photography”, “Stereo Photo Gallery”, “3-D Photo Gallery” and you will find many, many websites offering information of all sorts. Some good places to start are for one of the best general 3-D information sites. Our own website has links to many dealers and resources for 3-D. The National Stereoscopic Association is the best national organization for 3-D enthusiasts, and publishes a magazine called “Stereo World” and has a yearly convention in July. Their website is There is an international organization called the International Stereoscopic Union (ISU) which has a convention every other year, and publishes a journal. Their website is Since 1955 Los Angeles has had a 3-D photography club that meets monthly. Called the Stereo Club of Southern California (SCSC) it’s website is Check it out for meeting times and location, as well as online articles and information. For a quick start tutorial on taking 3-D images with an ordinary single digital camera, see For FREE software to align digital 3-D images see StereoPhoto Maker (SPM). For FREE software ( StereoData Maker or SDM) that allows hacking into certain model Canon cameras to synchronize them for 3-D use, see For a site that makes ready-made USB shutter button assemblies for use with SDM software and Canon cameras see For a site that sells custom-made digital 3-D camera rigs, see The Stereo Division of the Photographic Society of America provides services and activities to both 2-D and stereo camera clubs. It sponsors 3-D image competitions, and offers more than 30 programs on the art of 3-D photography, and publishes brochures listing stereo clubs and stereo bulletins. See: So, you can see there is no shortage of information if you are willing to seek it out. If you live in the L.A. area, please consider coming to a monthly meeting of the SCSC. We’re usually there, and it is a chance to see projected 3-D images at every meeting. Last, see the other articles that are listed in the Stereo Club of Southern California Library for more information. Sincerely, David Starkman & Susan Pinsky |