The July meeting will be an open projector night, where Club members have the opportunity to see their images projected outside of the context of a competition. If you have images, videos or short shows you’d like to share or see on the big screen, bring them with you in July. If time permits, we will also present the newest ISU member club show as well as more fantastic cave photography from Peter and Ann Bosted.
Sorry, but where is the information?
No time, no schedule, no address. Not even a date? Okay, I never have a date for the movies, but how can we tell people about your doings if we do know before it is done? Less than a week to go, with a lot of other things competing for your audience. Understand you are still juggling details at the last minute, but it helps if your readers at least have a day and time to set aside while planning their weekends.
Much appreciated – JRC