The Los Angeles County Science Fair provides a yearly setting for middle and high school students to show off their investigative skills and creativity to compete for medals, special awards and scholarships. Students not only receive recognition for their projects but the Science Fair nurtures student interest in various scientific and engineering fields.
Every year, the Los Angles County Science Fair sponsors a very special event: Interactive Exhibits designed to inspire and entertain students and the public at the Fair, in their own exhibit hall next to the Science Fair. The Interactive Exhibits are open from 10am – 5pm on both Friday and Saturday, March 28th and 29th, and are welcome to all Science Fair participants, judges, volunteers and the general public.
Barry Rothstein will have a commercial space where he and Shyam Kannapurakkaran will be exhibiting a 3-D photo phantogram booth. Club members are invited to join them and show off their 3-D projects at the LA 3-D Club’s table.