4th Competition of the 2018-2019 Year
The next regular meeting of the Los Angeles 3-D Club will be Thursday, March 21, 2019, 7:15-9:45pm at the Armory Center For the Arts 145 N. Raymond, Pasadena, CA 91103.
The evening will include the 4th competition of the LA 3-D Club year. The special theme for this month is ANIMALS. Club members may enter their images into the competition by using the UPLOADER which will be available online until 11:59pm on March 20th.
LA3D club 2018-19 Competition Themes:
September: FAST
November: SQUARE
January: GREEN
In addition to the competition, we will also take a look at several short stereo shows photographed in 3D and produced by Phil Brown, (3D Phil). The shows will include “Palmyra 3-D: Through the Eyes of an Arabian Man” and “A Victorian Journey in 3-D”.