1 thought on “Please Help the Armory Help the Community!!

  1. I am Chairman of the 2012 Louisville National Juried Photography Show. Last year we had entries from 21 states and we would very much like to expand that this year. Would you please include a message about this year’s show in your next newsletter about our Call for Entries? This year’s awards pool has been expanded to over $8,000 in cash and other awards and there are 8 categories, more than most other shows. The link to the prospectus is http://www.louisvilleart.org/LAA_About.html (click on “shows”, then “prospectus”) and entries are submitted at CaFEhttps://www.callforentry.org/festivals.php?apply=yes. Please call me if you have questions.

    Louisville Art Association 2012 National Juried Photo Show
    Bob Maynard, Chairman

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